Optimise your IT security with strategic risk assessment services

With the increasing frequency of cyber attacks in our technology-driven world, companies are compelled to invest in IT security to safeguard their valuable assets. Unfortunately, the vast array of potential vulnerabilities can make it challenging to determine where to focus efforts and allocate resources to achieve the highest possible impact and value for your money. This is where security risk assessments come in.

By conducting a bespoke security risk assessment tailored to your organisation’s specific circumstances, you can acquire valuable information and insights that allow you to make informed decisions on how to defend your crown jewels. A security risk assessment helps to identify potential security threats that could compromise your organisation’s data and systems. It provides you with a roadmap to prioritise your investments in IT security, ensuring that you concentrate on the areas that need it the most.

Developing a structured approach to assess, mitigate, and monitor risks while integrating it into your organisation’s overall risk management framework requires expertise and experience in IT risk management. We know every organisation’s attitude to risk is different. It can be challenging to stay updated with the latest system vulnerabilities and technology risks without dedicated resources and expertise.

IT risk management

Risk management service

Bespoke risk management services

At RightCue, we understand that every organisation’s security needs and risk appetite are unique. That’s why we take a bespoke approach to risk management. Our experienced and qualified consultants evaluate your current security posture against established best practices and the current threat landscape. Our consultants have a wealth of experience working with organisations of all sizes across a diverse range of sectors.

We start by selecting the best practices that fit your organisation’s specific requirements, taking into account factors such as the technology you use, the sector you operate in, your clients, and the geography of your operation. We then evaluate these practices objectively using frameworks such as ISO 27005, ISO 31000, the NIST risk management framework and NCSC risk management guidance.

Our team uses a tried-and-true approach to risk management that is tailored to your specific business needs. We work with you to develop a comprehensive risk management plan that helps protect your organisation against potential threats. An risk based action plan is then created to optimise the impact of available resources.

Safeguard your business with RightCue’s risk management services

Over the years our team of experts have developed a robust range of risk management services including risk monitoring, IT risk assessment, technology risk management and cyber threat management.

We develop tailored risk management solutions to meet your business needs including:

1. Comprehensive risk assessment
Our comprehensive security risk assessment covers information governance, risk, and compliance. This assessment is especially useful for organisations that are conducting it for the first time or those that have considerable time elapsed since the last exercise was done.

We evaluate the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your critical systems, processes, and information – this forms the baseline of your IT security strategy and assists you with certifications such as ISO 27001, CSA Star and compliance with HIPPA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and more. Additionally, it aligns with the adoption and implementation of enterprise wide risk management frameworks.

We highly recommend this assessment for organisations operating in industries such as legal, financial, pharmaceuticals, and software development, where security breaches could lead to disastrous consequences. Our security risk assessment provides valuable insights to shape your IT security program.

System risk management
Supply chain - risk and security management
Risk monitoring

2. Supply chain risk assessment
Majority of organisations now adopt a cloud-native strategy, or outsource their IT service management or software development. This allows them to access specialist resources at lower costs while they concentrate on their core business. However, this approach also introduces security vulnerabilities if not managed correctly.

Our supply chain risk assessments help you identify and proactively manage these threats. We assist you in selecting suppliers that align with your security strategy and policies, continuously monitor their risk posture, and provide independent assessments. By leveraging our expertise, you can be confident that your supply chain is secure and resilient against potential disruptions. Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.

3. Acquisition due diligence
Acquiring a new business can be a complex process, especially when it comes to merging technology and integrating new security policies. At RightCue, we understand that change management is a crucial consideration during these transitions.

Our team of experts assists you in risk assessing the new business and creating a roadmap to integrate them into your current security policies, whilst ensuring your current certifications are not not impacted. We take a sensitive approach to change management, ensuring that any transitions are executed smoothly and with minimal disruption.

By conducting a thorough risk assessment, we help you identify any potential vulnerabilities or threats to your organisation’s security. This enables you to make informed decisions on how to integrate the new business and ensure that your security policies are still effective.

4. Technical risk assessment
Technical security risk assessment is a critical subset of broader risk assessment, focusing specifically on evaluating your organisation’s technology stack. This includes assessing your technology infrastructure, whether it’s on-premises, in the cloud, or a hybrid of both.

Our team conducts a comprehensive technical security risk assessment using established frameworks such as the CIS top 20, PCI DSS and the Cyber Essentials scheme. We evaluate your technology systems and protocols to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats to your security.

This is specifically useful when you do not have internal resources independent from your IT team to objectively assess your risk posture.

5. Risk management workshops and training
Risk management is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and up-to-date knowledge. That’s why we offer not only risk assessment services but also risk management workshops and training for your in-house resources. We believe that it’s essential for your team to have the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and manage potential risks effectively.

Our structured risk management methodology equips the team to perform risk assessments objectively and consistently. During our workshops, we bring key decision-makers from other business functions to help them understand how IT security risks can impact their role. This approach promotes better collaboration and risk security management, resulting in an improved maturity level of your information security program.

Technology risk management
Risk and security management training

Risk management services

Benefits of an IT risk and security management service

Effective IT risk management is a critical component of your organisation’s overall risk and security management strategy and is an ongoing process. Investing in the right resources can have a significant impact on how an organisation manages its information security. There is now a global emphasis on knowledge sharing, as no single individual can possess all-encompassing knowledge of security. By engaging with trustworthy consultants, your organisation can leverage their expertise to enhance your risk management capabilities in a cost efficient manner.

Our team of skilled professionals has consistently received praise from clients for our exceptional customer service and high-quality deliverables. We have a diverse pool of experts available to cater to various industry sectors and address your specific needs.

We focus on designing practical, customised solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs and constraints of your organisation. These solutions are designed to align with your people and methods of operations while ensuring the security and resilience of your systems and data

Our flexible approach allows us to adapt our services to meet your unique requirements, whether scaling up or down. We keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends, emerging threats, and best practices. Outsourcing your IT risk management can be an extremely cost-effective approach, especially if you do not have the time, resources or expertise to establish an in-house risk management team.

Cyber threat management
What our clients think

“We began looking at how to get ISO 27001 certification and CSA Star Level 2. After an extensive search it became clear that while many companies stated they could deliver both, RightCue was the only business that met our requirements.

“The RightCue team were instrumental in the process – to be blunt, if there was no RightCue, we wouldn’t have been able to do this. Their knowledge of controls was outstanding, and they really understood our business.”


“We were keen to develop our IT security to the next level so we could expand our client base as well as giving existing clients further peace of mind. Working with RightCue has been a total pleasure. They are just lovely people and to us they are not only trusted advisors but they feel like part of our extended team.

"Working with RightCue has supported our growth as a business and given us the reassurance we need, knowing that our security and data protection is well developed and managed - that's thanks to RightCue.”


“In early 2021, the ATI established the FlyZero project, with ambitious targets and timeframes. RightCue were involved from the start, contributing ideas and sustainable solutions to keep the project data secure.

“RightCue are so supportive and helpful. They operate almost as a virtual CIO and worked with me on a long-term strategy for IT and security to ensure it remains fit for purpose as the business continues to grow.”


“Beyond the accreditations, RightCue have caused us to think harder. To develop a maturity for our cyber security – processes and ideas for the future, and to think beyond IT to the business implications. Would I work with RightCue again? Absolutely, without hesitation…’


“RightCue helped us to achieve our cyber security accreditations including Cyber Essentials and IASME. But it’s more than that - the protection and management of data is now very much at the centre of our business.

“The RightCue team are absolute stars. Nothing is too much trouble. if you need help with cyber security, you can’t go wrong with RightCue.”


"The team at Rightcue worked very closely with our internal team on our ISO27001 accreditation. They were extremely thorough and rigorous throughout the process, they acted professionally at all times and guided us through each step of the way to attain ISO27001. I would recommend Rightcue to help you achieve your security accreditations.”


"They don’t just do the job and leave. They are at the end of the phone and happy to advise and engage at any time if you need them. If you’re considering Cyber Essentials accreditation, I’d definitely recommend RightCue.”


"Whilst going for a computer security accreditation is never easy, the team at RightCue made it as painless as possible. They were clearly very knowledgeable and as helpful as they could be, given their role as a certification body…”


“There is no doubt working with RightCue saved me a hell of a lot of time. I didn’t have to spend ages researching solutions. I would say RightCue are a very dependable resource, and are reassuringly competent. A good choice if you’re looking to acquire security accreditations…’


“We have been hugely impressed with the team at RightCue. They are very approachable and incredibly knowledgeable...Achieving those accreditations was so much easier, by working with an experienced and accomplished team of professionals, such as RightCue…’


“Having confidence in recommending them to our clients has allowed us to concentrate on playing to our strengths.

All of the RightCue team are very helpful and very willing to go the extra mile. They are very committed to delivering a good service, and that’s why we are always happy to refer them.”


Get in touch with us

If you would like help with managing risk in your business, then contact us to find out more about our comprehensive risk management services.

+44 (0)1256 744 780
