Do your staff understand the importance of IT security?

In our experience, having your staff onboard is vital to minimising IT security risks. More often than not it’s a lack of IT security awareness, not malice, that causes the biggest problems. Your staff need to understand what your IT security risks are, and their role in supporting your organisation to reduce the possibility of a breach.

We can develop a tailored IT security training programme to help protect your business. We specialise in delivering engaging, practical and relevant IT security awareness training for end users in an easy-to-understand way – not using daunting technical jargon! We want your team to walk away better informed and feeling confident that they have the right tools to do their part to safeguard your organisation.

Data security awareness training

IT security risks

Why is security awareness training so important?

Cyber-attacks and data breaches cost UK organisations millions each year, and research suggests human error is the largest contributor to security breaches. Companies need to be vigilant all the time to identify and avoid potential security threats. Regular and effective security awareness training engages and enlists your employees to reduce this risk.

With cyber-attacks on the rise, and becoming increasingly sophisticated, it’s not enough to just have security measures in place. Your employees need to be fully aware of the different types of security threats, how to identify them, and what to do if something suspicious occurs, protecting your organisations valuable data and assets and reducing the risk of downtime due to breaches.

What are the benefits of IT security training?

Security awareness training enables your employees to understand just how critical security procedures and measures are to your business, as well as how to recognise and respond to any potential threats.

Building a robust security culture and security awareness programme not only protects your organisation, significantly reducing your risk of being targeted by hackers, it also makes your business more compliant, giving your customers confidence and reassurance.

Benefits of IT security training

IT security training

Comprehensive IT security training from RightCue Assurance

We strongly believe annual staff training ensures IT security and data security awareness stays front of mind, building an organisation of trust where everyone is equally aware and responsible for your IT security.

We create a security training package specifically tailored to your business needs. Your staff will receive comprehensive IT security training including:

  • Password security training
  • Data protection training
  • GDPR awareness training
  • Phishing training
  • Malware training
  • Email content
  • Desk policies
  • and more …

The security awareness programme

The fully managed security awareness programme leaves your staff free to focus on other core business activities.

  • Fast set-up and launch – with full configuration and user acceptance testing to get you up and running quickly
  • Create a long-term security awareness programme – defined by your organisational needs
  • Plan random and targeted phishing attacks – to measure, monitor and report on how your teams respond to a random phishing attack
  • Enhanced reporting, reviews and analysis – to ensure effective deployment and ongoing tracking over time
  • Benchmark your organisation’s security awareness proficiency – to compare your scores with other companies in your industry
  • Bespoke training plan – developed in response to your scores and identified security risks
  • Track results and monitor ROI – watch your scores improve overtime with proactive monitoring
  • Dedicated team to manage your IT security – providing regular consultation and feedback
it security consultant

Data protection training - RightCue

What makes us stand out?

  • Extensive and thorough understanding of business, technology, and regulations
  • Consistent praise from our clients for exceptional customer service and high-quality deliverables
  • Availability of a diverse pool of skilled professionals to cater to various industry sectors
  • A flexible approach that allows us to adjust our services to meet your specific needs, whether scaling up or down
  • Prepared for the latest version of ISO 27000 family of standards as they are released

Our expertise includes:

  • Supply chain risk assessments
  • Security audits for all types of systems
  • Knowledge of industry best practices such as CIS, NIST, as well as ISO 27001
  • Penetration testing
  • Vulnerability assessments
  • Data Privacy and GDPR
  • Knowledge of market leading security tools and solutions
  • Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus
  • Cloud security assessments
GDPR awareness training
What our clients think

“We began looking at how to get ISO 27001 certification and CSA Star Level 2. After an extensive search it became clear that while many companies stated they could deliver both, RightCue was the only business that met our requirements.

“The RightCue team were instrumental in the process – to be blunt, if there was no RightCue, we wouldn’t have been able to do this. Their knowledge of controls was outstanding, and they really understood our business.”


“We were keen to develop our IT security to the next level so we could expand our client base as well as giving existing clients further peace of mind. Working with RightCue has been a total pleasure. They are just lovely people and to us they are not only trusted advisors but they feel like part of our extended team.

"Working with RightCue has supported our growth as a business and given us the reassurance we need, knowing that our security and data protection is well developed and managed - that's thanks to RightCue.”


“In early 2021, the ATI established the FlyZero project, with ambitious targets and timeframes. RightCue were involved from the start, contributing ideas and sustainable solutions to keep the project data secure.

“RightCue are so supportive and helpful. They operate almost as a virtual CIO and worked with me on a long-term strategy for IT and security to ensure it remains fit for purpose as the business continues to grow.”


“Beyond the accreditations, RightCue have caused us to think harder. To develop a maturity for our cyber security – processes and ideas for the future, and to think beyond IT to the business implications. Would I work with RightCue again? Absolutely, without hesitation…’


“RightCue helped us to achieve our cyber security accreditations including Cyber Essentials and IASME. But it’s more than that - the protection and management of data is now very much at the centre of our business.

“The RightCue team are absolute stars. Nothing is too much trouble. if you need help with cyber security, you can’t go wrong with RightCue.”


"The team at Rightcue worked very closely with our internal team on our ISO27001 accreditation. They were extremely thorough and rigorous throughout the process, they acted professionally at all times and guided us through each step of the way to attain ISO27001. I would recommend Rightcue to help you achieve your security accreditations.”


"They don’t just do the job and leave. They are at the end of the phone and happy to advise and engage at any time if you need them. If you’re considering Cyber Essentials accreditation, I’d definitely recommend RightCue.”


"Whilst going for a computer security accreditation is never easy, the team at RightCue made it as painless as possible. They were clearly very knowledgeable and as helpful as they could be, given their role as a certification body…”


“There is no doubt working with RightCue saved me a hell of a lot of time. I didn’t have to spend ages researching solutions. I would say RightCue are a very dependable resource, and are reassuringly competent. A good choice if you’re looking to acquire security accreditations…’


“We have been hugely impressed with the team at RightCue. They are very approachable and incredibly knowledgeable...Achieving those accreditations was so much easier, by working with an experienced and accomplished team of professionals, such as RightCue…’


“Having confidence in recommending them to our clients has allowed us to concentrate on playing to our strengths.

All of the RightCue team are very helpful and very willing to go the extra mile. They are very committed to delivering a good service, and that’s why we are always happy to refer them.”


Get in touch with us

If you’re looking for a comprehensive security awareness training and phishing programme, call us to discuss your IT security training requirements and we will tailor a solution to your specific needs.

+44 (0)1256 744 780
